It is one thing to say that self doubt is a positive character trait in the architect, it is quite another to embrace the uncertainty and fear that this position brings.
.. the question still nags me, what is this process actually training us for?
The vision is for all our energy to be supplied by renewable sources and stored using lithium-ion fuel cells, but the transition may not be as smooth as you think.
Back in December we visited the Xul Solar Museum in Buenos Aires, a stunning building designed by the renowned Argentinian artist.
Private property provides safety and security for those living in a capitalist society. But nowadays nearly all UK property acquisition is based on debt.
The culturally engrained need of the English to compare and measure threatens our ability to create sincerety and warmth.
We in the UK rely on large incumbent firms underwritten by foreign equity to support our urban growth.
At university we are instructed to focus on one stage of the architectural process. After university it transpires that this is the stage where in theory, we still have some influence with clients, other professionals and stakeholders.
I felt the need to build on my previous post, 'The Price of Innovation,’ after reading the Schumpeter column in last week's Economist.
It was what I did not see, that created the opportunities.